Let's light a votive light to the Blessed Virgin Mary mother of Jesus and ours, let us pray to intercede for us and for our sins with the Our Father who is in heaven and who will help us to overcome this difficult moment.

May, also called the Marian month, is the month dedicated to Our Blessed Virgin Mary, let's celebrate it properly with our prayers and our faith.

During this moment of isolation due to Covid-19 if you cannot go to church to light a votive light to the Blessed Virgin Mary, you can do it via the internet via this link:
https://www.pubecom.com/…/cate…/accendi-lumi-votivi.html our sacristan will light it on physically for you.


Let us pray together to our Most Holy Mother:




   Maria, Madre delle Grazie,
rivolgi materna lo sguardo sopra di noi,
che imploriamo da Te aiuto e protezione.
Tu che sei la speranza degli afflitti,
il rifugio dei peccatori,
la Madre della Misericordia,
ascolta le nostre suppliche e ottienici
perdono dei peccati, forza nelle sofferenze,
aiuto in vita, perseveranza nella morte
e gloria nell’eternità.
Stendi la tua mano benefica
su questo popolo a Te così caro
e verso di Te così devoto.
Accoglilo sotto la tua protezione,
mantieni viva la sua fede, difendi le sue case,
dona salute ai malati,
forza ai medici e agli operatori sanitari,
conserva fra tutti la carità, la giustizia e la pace.
In Te hanno sperato i nostri padri
e Tu li hai sempre esauditi.
Accetta benevolmente anche le nostre preghiere e aiutaci.
Ricolmi dei tuoi benefici,
ci sforzeremo di esserti grati in vita
coll’imitare le tue virtù,
nell’attesa di cantare con Te,
con gli Angeli e con i Santi,
l’inno dell’eterna lode.




Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae,

vita, dulcedo et spes nostra, salve.

At te clamamus, exules filii Hevae.

Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes

in hac lacrimarum valle.

Eia ergo, advocata nostra,

illos tuos misericordies oculos

ad nos converte.

Et Jesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui,

nobis post hoc exilium ostende.

O clemens, O pia,

o dulcis Virgo Maria




Let's light a votive candle to San Carlo Borromeo and ask him to help us overcome this difficult moment, to celebrate, or to renew, or to develop our faith in Christ.

In this moment of contagions from Covid-19 if you cannot go to church to light a votive lamp in S. Carlo, you can do it via the internet via this link:
https://www.pubecom.com/…/cate…/accendi-lumi-votivi.html our sacristan will physically turn it on for you.


San Carlo Borromeo fought the plague epidemic of 1576 in Milan by doing his utmost for the plague victims so much that that epidemic was called the "plague of San Carlo", and the Catholic Church indicates him among the protectors against plagues.
Even today we can identify St. Charles Borromeo as our spiritual reference to fight this modern plague which is the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic.


Together we pray to St. Charles:


 Infuse, San Carlo, in our hearts,

the anxiety for charity, drives away selfishness,

shake the indifference.

Let us understand that the real reform

is the one who loves and does not hate,

that helps and does not criticize,

which does not tear down but restores.

Make us capable of commitment

for an authentic Christian life,

for justice and peace,

for the defense of the humble

and the consolation of the suffering.